Wednesday 23 December 2009

The coverlines for my front cover of my school magazine is:


The one day you cannot miss!


Find out their stories of school life...

And see how it can help you!


The exclusive photos and the feedback of the event

I have included on feature from each section, so that students can get a see a bit of what is happening in each section of the magazine.

The main coverline for my school magazine is:


Advice and tips on how to

Prepare and pass your exams!

I have decided to use the exam stuff in my main coverline, as exams and tests are always happening in school. Therefore this main coverline will really work well on the school magazine as it will attract students to the magazine a lot. This means lots of students will won’t to read the school magazine more.

Masthead font ideas:

Britannic Bold

This font is good as it looks classy but also a fun. As it is bold and makes a statement, but it is curvy and fun which makes it look good. It also fits with what I want my stapline to look like, fun but classy and this font really does it, as I want the magazine to look fun but grown up at the same time.

Lucida bright

I like this font as well as it is curvy and classy but is does not seem too grown up, and that’s what makes it great for my school magazine stapline. I won’t the title to look classy and fun at the same time, as it will make the school magazine look fun for the students, but also want the magazine to look grown up.

Planning: Designing and analysis of Front cover

Design one: Front cover
I have used all my research and designs from contents page and have began to design my first front cover design. Once I had sketched my design, I then analysised my first front cover design in detail. This will then allow me to work out what works and what does not work, and how this design can be improved or changed.

Design two: Front cover
I have come up with a second front cover design to allow me to change my ideas and also to develop some of my ideas further or to try them on the front page in a different way compared to the first design. Once again I have anaylsised my design, to see how it can be improved and what works affectively.

Final Design: Front Cover
After looking at my first two contents page design, i decided what I liked from each design and worked out what parts of the design has the best effect. And from that I have come up with a final sketch of my school magazine contents page.

Planning: Title designs for front cover:

Title design one: Front cover

I think this name works really well because everyone wants to know the latest news and want to get it fast. Therefore this name works as this magazine is all about the latest news and events and what is happening all around the school. So when students see this magazine they will know straight away, where they can get all the latest information on any topic all in one magazine.

Title design two: Front cover I think this name works very well too, as success is very important to a lot of people and everyone wants to have it, but not everyone knows how to get it. So by using this name when people see it, they will want to read the magazine and find out how they can become successful.

Title design three: Front cover

I think that this name also works well because at a young age students do not know what school is about, college or university is either. Therefore this magazine will appeal a lot to students as they will want to find out what school life is all about.

Designing and analysis of my front covers

From all the research I have done so far, and all my designing so far for my contents page. I am now able to go on a begin designing a couple of front cover ideas. Once I have designed two front covers I will then go onto analysis each on in detail, just like I did for my contents pages.

I will then begin to develop my two design ideas into one final design, I will look at both designs and pick out and change some of my ideas to come up with my final design of my front cover. Once I have done that I will analysis that design as well, to make sure that is the design I want to do and if anything is needed to be changed.

Thursday 17 December 2009

Planning: Contents for contents page:

The contents page for my magazine will be split into three sections and three different colours:

1. News and events is in the colour green. This section includes things to do with the school, events happening or have recently happened and important dates coming up etc.

2. You’re future is in the colour blue. This section includes things about further education, tips and advice, exam things and how to get through them successfully and how to get through school successfully and less stressful.

3. Entertainment is in pink. This section includes fun things for all years like; games, clubs and enrichments that are on and also students of the week.

I have decided to split the contents into three sections as it will be quick and easy for students to look for a particular thing, without having to read through the whole contents page. Also the use of the colour coded sections, also make it easy for students to find a section straight away as all they need to do is look for the particular colour.

Final contents:


1. IMPORTANT DATES FOR DIARY’S all the dates and events happening this term.

3. SPEED STACK FINALS! The best the schools had so far.....

4. PIJARMA DAY! The one day you cannot miss out on!

5. CLOTHES SHOW TRIP, Exclusive pictures of the big event, information of the day and stunning tips and ideas.

7. SCHOOL TRIPS! Don’t miss out! Some of the greatest trips coming soon!


9. EXAM’S! All you need to know to help you get through exams! Dates, advice, tips and much more.

11. WANT TO FURTHER YOUR EDUCATION? Get Information on collage, university and much more!

13. PAST STUDENTS ADVICE! Find out their stories on how they got through school life.


15. CLUBS, ENRICHMENTS AND ACTIVITES ON? There’s always something for everyone!

16. STUDENT OF THE WEEK! Who will win what this week?

17. GAMES PAGE! Games, quizzes, crosswords, Sudoku and a lot more!

Planning: Designing and analysis of contents pages

Design one of contents page:
I have now used all my research and have designed my first contents page design. Once I had sketched my design I then analysised my design in detail. This will allow me to work out what works and what doesn't, and how this design can be improved or changed.

Design two of contents page:
I have come up with a second contents page design to allow me to change my ideas and also to develop some of my ideas further or to try them on the contents page in a different way compared to the first design. Once again I have anaylsised my design to see how it can be improved and what works affectively.

My final design:
After looking at my first two contents page design, i decided what I liked from each design and worked out what parts of the design has the best effect. And from that I have come up with a final sketch of my schoool magazine contents page.

Planning: Title designs for contents page:

Title design one: contents page

This styled font will be good for my contents page as its bold, plain and will stand out on the page, the use of the block capitals will also help with that as well. Even thought the font is block capitals it has a slight curvy look, making it friendlier but a statement at the same time. I have chosen to use purple as it is one of the Cavendish school colours. I decide to use purple instead of any of the other colours, because this colour is a bright and bold, this will therefore attract students to the page. I will use this styled title as it is very bold, bright and will attract the reader’s attention a lot more, rather than the other title which may not have the same effect.

Title design two: contents page

This styled font is also look good on my contents page as it’s bold, and outstanding even though there is only a bit of colour. The use of the thick purple lines make the title stands out from the white a lot. Even though this font is the same as the first style, both titles stand out in their own ways which makes them so different.

Planning for my contents page:

From all the research I have done so far, I am now able to go on to begin designing a couple of contents page ideas. Once I have designed my two contents pages I will then analysis each one in detail.

1. I will then begin to develop my two design ideas into one final design, I will look at both designs and pick out and change some of my ideas to come up with my final design of my contents page. Once I have done that I will analysis that design as well, to make sure that is the design I want to do and if anything is needed to be changed.

2. After I have designed my contents page, I will then go on and do the same process again but this time I will be designing my front cover instead.

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Analysis of three different teenage publications: Front Covers

To help me to design my school magzine front covers, I have researched and found three different styled teenage publications and analyised them. These exsisting publications have helped me to find out what a teen magzine offers and how they are layed out.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

This is my mind map for my preliminary project, my mind map is about research for a school magazine. I will be creating a a front cover and a contents page for a school magazine.

Tuesday 24 November 2009


To my Media Studies Blog! All the work I will do will be posted on here.