From my feedback on my webpage, I found that my main problem was that the photograph I used did not fit my genre, and people thought it was a different genre to what it was. Therefore I tried to make the photogragy fit my genre but found it hard, therefore I decided to use the feedback from my other design, and create a few more.
I also kept in mind the feedback from my poster, to help make my webpage better, for instance the use of red.
Orginal design:
Orginal design:
To edit in the mystery killers legs into the photo, first I had to get rid of the black background by editing it on paint. I then went on publisher and used the transparent pen to make the background clear.
I next transfered the photo onto fireworks, where I used blur tool. Which allowed me to blur the image so that it matched the blured image of the girl on the floor, it also gives the image that mystery look.
Design two re designed: