Monday 4 April 2011

Candidate detail's and final products

Candidate name: Laura Greatbatch
Candidate number: 6286
Centre name: John F Kennedy School
Centre number: 17131
Final Poster
Final Webpage
Final Trailer

Youtube link for the trailer

Outtakes for final trailer

Youtube link for the outtakes

Saturday 2 April 2011


To enlarge, click menu then full screen.


To enlarge, click menu and then full screen.

Evaluation-Question 3:

Feedback analysis on finish trailer:
To enlarge, click menu then full screen.

Feedback videos on finish trailer:

Poster and Webpage Feedback and analysis:
To enlarge, click menu then full screen.


To enlarge, click menu then full screen.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Out-takes of the trailer

Below we have produced a small video of some of the out-takes that happened thoughout the process of producing the trailer. We decided to produce this video as it can be classed as 'Extra's' for the film itself.

We uploaded the video onto Youtube as well for more people to see the outtakes therefore getting a wider range of views and feedback.

Thursday 17 March 2011


We have posted it on 'YouTube' so that we can receive wider audience feedback. Below is the link to our trailer.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Adding: Age certificates on my poster and webpage & extra's to poster and webpage

I have added/ place an 18 age certificate next to 'click to watch trailer' therefore users can see that the trailer is age proteched and that anyone under 18 are unable to view it, this therefore helps to prevent anyone underage from viewing the contents of the trailer.


I also added the age certificate to the bottom of the poster next to the title, as then the viewer will see the certificate cleally as it stands out next to the tittle, plus the viewer will want to see what the name of the film is, therefore they will see the certificate at the same time.

Adding the website link to the poster

I have chosen to add the website link to the poster, as this is one of the ways in which the audience finds out more information about the film. therefore to make it easier for the viewer, by adding the link, they do not have to try and search for the site, instead it is given, theref0re making it more likly for the viewer to look at the site.
Adding ticket/show time links to webpage

I have also decided to add links/logos of site that offer ticket purchases and show times, as most film websites have these links, therefore they are an important factor on a webpage. It also makes the viewer more likely to lok and even purchase tickets, as they will be easy to get to from the website.

Choosing an age certificate

An important feature of our trailer, posters and websites must show an age certificate rating. this will show portential audience memebers of how old they must be in order to watch the film and parts of the website. the certificate must be clearly dispplayed with the other credits. The trailer will be accessiable via the website, therefore there will be a block on the trailer so that any viewers who try to watch it under the age certificate will be unable.

We were unsure of what age certificate our trailer what fit, and so refered to the British Board of film classification website so that we could identify what category our film what fit. The above table shows the certificates of both 15 and 18 rated fims. The red highlighted text on the left hand side shows the aspects of the rating that our trailer would breach if we were to classify it '15.' We therefore have chosen to calssify the film '18' as shown on the right hand of the table. The reasons for having to classify the trailer in this way is because of the use of violence and suggested violence within the trailer. We have also included drug usage and promotion of drug use in the trailer. For these reasons we have had to calssify thetrailer an '18'.

Script for voiceover

As part of the editing of our trailer we have decided to use a voice over some sections of the piece. Below is the script we have created and in red we is where the voiceover will be placed in the trailer. This voice over will be edited into the trailer once it has been edited and finalised.

Thursday 24 February 2011

Feedback on first draft of trailer

After we had created the first draft of our trailer we received feedback from our class mates, both positive and negative comments were made-

No speaking or similar noise- just music which is really effective.
Tension is built up all the way through which makes you want to keep on watching.
Sound picks up at the end of what's been done so far, so you know where the change in tone is.
It's quiet all the way through which is unexpected but good.
The setting is effective.
The captions are convincing.
The camera static is really effective.

Fonts need changing/ improving for captions and they either need to be slightly shorter or more text added to them.
The clip of the actors running towards the car needs to be shortened as it looses suspense near the end.

As a result of this feedback, we will adapt the parts of our trailer which received criticism and also develop it further to the end of the piece. We will then get further feedback and again look at the sections which may need improving in order to create the finished trailer.

Monday 21 February 2011

Filming Session: Part One

On the 8th February my group and the actors/actressses, went on our first filming session. We decided to film at Ashridge Woods as we wanted the trailer to be set in the woods at night.
In our first session, we wanted to film the calm scenes, running scenes and setting the plot of the trailer without giving to much away. The filming went well and we manged to film all the scenes we wanted and more before it became to dark. Whilst producing some scenes we came up with some more effect scenes. Which turned out to enhance the effect of our trailer and the horror genre, without giving away the plot.
We will go on a second filming session, to film the main parts of the trailer, the killing scenes. These scenes will set the genre of the trailer, but in a way that will not give too much away about the film plot.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Editing original footage- creating Trailer

In order to create our trailer, we used the iMac programme 'iMovie'. The images below explain how we used the specific features of this programme to edit the footage.

Friday 4 February 2011

Props and Costume List for Trailer

In order to successfully make our trailer, we have produced three lists of what we need in order to make the trailer. It also ensures that no props are forgotten on the day and so that actors know what they will need to wear and if any extras for the trailer needs to be produced.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Final Poster & Webpage Design

I have chosen this poster design for a number of reasons.

I think that the use of the red tinted image, is very effective for the horror theme, as it can represent a number of things like death, blood etc... therefore it gives the poster the horror feel.

Also i chose this photograph, as it has a mystery feel to it, which suits our horror film plot well. As the branches slightly hide the character, therefore they have that mystery side, so the audience does not know who it is. It could be an innocent person hiding or the mystery kill hiding/watching. therefore the image creates a lot of questions for the audience and keeps the film a mystery.
From my feedback i found that the red title worked well so I chose to keep it, but to make it more bolder and effective, I have placed it on a plain area, therefore making it more eye catching but as well it does not effetc the image.

Also from my feedback, changed a few things such as, making the title and slogan bigger which therefore made them bolder and more eye catching on the page. I also had feeback about the blank spaces and what could fill some of them, so I decided to add in a small review of the film. which worked very well, and also it gives the audience more information about th film.

I have chosen this poster design for a number of reasons.

I chose this image as it sets the scene of the film without giving much away, also by adding in a pair of legs next to the person laying on the floor. It tells the audience that it is a horror, but also making it seem mysterious, as you can only see part of the killer. This keeps the film plot and characters a mystery, which is the main point of the film.
I also added coloured lines around the two people; therefore making them bolder to the users from the dark tinted background.

I chose to use a tinted background again like my poster, but instead I made the colour darker which therefore makes it more scary. It also makes the people stand out as they are in colour, which therefore makes the whole background more effective and intresting to the user, when they are on the site.

I also carried on the red text, as from my feedback I found the audience found it very effective. I chose to make the links white as they stand out from the rest of the webpage, therefore making them clearer to the user, but not in a way that effects the dark background effect.

Also from my feedback I changed a few things such as, making the 'Coming soon' text a light purply red colour, which flows with the background. As their was too much white on the page, but my changing the text colour, it made the page more effective, as it made the rest of the white much bolder of the page. I also put a red box around the logos at the bottom, which made them look more proffession and bolder on the page, as a result of the red throught the page.

Feedback on final poster & webpage designs

To get a wide range of feedback on my final poster and webpage, I decided to upload my designs onto Facebook. This therefore allowed me to get feedback from the public rather than just from my media class, which as a result gave me more realistic feedback on my designs, if they were produced for real.

Thursday 20 January 2011

Webpage development from feedback

From my feedback on my webpage, I found that my main problem was that the photograph I used did not fit my genre, and people thought it was a different genre to what it was. Therefore I tried to make the photogragy fit my genre but found it hard, therefore I decided to use the feedback from my other design, and create a few more.

I also kept in mind the feedback from my poster, to help make my webpage better, for instance the use of red.

Orginal design:

To edit in the mystery killers legs into the photo, first I had to get rid of the black background by editing it on paint. I then went on publisher and used the transparent pen to make the background clear.
I next transfered the photo onto fireworks, where I used blur tool. Which allowed me to blur the image so that it matched the blured image of the girl on the floor, it also gives the image that mystery look.
Before and after using the blur tool.
Design two re designed:
Design three new design:
Design three developed but changing the colour settings, to add a different effect. Which makes the page darker and more of a mystery as the image is more clear.

Poster development from feeback

Orginal poster:
From my development I also designed two more posters, whilst using my audience feedback in mind.

Because the red works well and makes the poster effect, I decided to create two designs with a red background, which I think is quite effective. As it can represent a lot for a horror poster, such as death & blood.

Design one:
Design two:

How I made the poster:

First I copied the photo on the powerpoint, where I then increased the contrast levels and decreased the brightness level, to give the photograph a dark bold image.

I next re coloured the image settings to dark variation red, to get the red tint on the image.
To make the image bolder and more red, I again changed the contast and brightness levels, which made the image a brighter red, but still giving the image a dark look.

Audience feedback on poster design & webpage

To help me produce a successful poster & webpage, I got audience feedback, which I found very helpful. As it allowed me to see what worked out my first drafts and how I should develop/ change my designs to make them better.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Webpage Design Developments

I have produced three webpage ideas, I have used a range of colours and fonts to make the page flow, and edited the main photographys by changing the brightness and contrast levels, inorder to make the photographs clear and more effective.

Below is one of the template layout I produced early, I have chosen to develop my webpage design from this layout.
My Designs:

Photograph's for Webpage Design

In order to design my wepage, I have taken a range of photos and picked the three best ones. Below are the three photographys I have picked, next I will edit these photos to make them more effective on the webpage.

Photography one:
First Photography being edited:
I have edited both the brightness & contrast levels, this has allowed me to make the photo more effective, as I am able to make to photo darker and more gloomy, therefore making the photo fit the horror theme better.

Photography Two:

Second photograph I edited:
For this photography I changed the colour of the settings to black and white, as the orginal photo had a slightly blue tiny, which did not flow well with the webpage template design.
Photography three:
Third photography I edited:
For this photography I changed descreased the brightness and increased the contrast levels, therefore making the image dark and bolder, therefore making the photography more effective.